Pet Spa Puts Air Travelers' Minds At Ease
CHICAGO (CBS) -- If you love to travel, but hate to board your pet, a new pet resort may put your mind at ease.
The owner who brought a pet spa to O'Hare International Airport, has just opened a second location near Midway. And by all accounts, it's "fur-tastic," CBS 2 Susan Carlson reports.
With a splash pool, spa services and flat screen TVs tuned to "Animal Planet," it's the best doggone accommodations you could imagine.
"I used to travel a lot for work and I never found a place where I would like to leave them without feeling guilty about leaving them behind," said Paradise 4 Paws owner, Saq Nadeem
That's why Nadeem opened the appropriately named spa. It's a dog's life when several hours of playtime a day is top on the agenda
"I kinda chase them around," said spa worker Dawn Rapciak. "Wrestle a little bit. Maybe even put the boots on and go in the water."
You'll find no cages here, instead slumber party suites. And wherever you're traveling, you can keep an eye on what Fido's doing on his vacation.
"As a pet parent myself, I always wondered what does my pet do all day long, so now we have web cams," said Nadeem
Feline friends can enjoy eye-balling the fish, a never-ending water fountain, bungalows with a view and lounging on real tree bark.
"They each get a couple hours throughout the day where we'll open their door and they can roam through the jungle if they like," said spa manager Amber Spooner.
The staff here is the clearly the cat's pajamas, but it's the four-legged visitors who apparently run the place.
Paradise for Paws is open 24/7. You can park your car there and take a shuttle to Midway, about a mile away. Fees start at $49 a day.