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People You Should Know: Charity Boutique Owners

JOLIET (CBS) -- They're in business, but not to make a living. One Joliet couple runs a store with the sole purpose of giving away what they earn. 

CBS 2's Harry Porterfield says they are both someone you should know.

 Heavenly Sinful, a Joliet boutique, is so much more than just that.

 "I decided that what we were going to do is we were going to turn this in to a charity store," Sandy Gerrettie says.

 Sandy and her husband, Joe, sell their merchandise, including a clothing line designed by Sandy, then turn around and give away most proceeds.

 "We pay the bills at the end of the month, and everything else we donate to someone in the community that needs it," Sandy says.

Every month, they choose a worthy cause or person to get their donation.  They've been doing it for three years. Causes have included breast cancer research and helping to buy leader dogs and wheelchairs.

It's not unusual for individuals to walk into the store asking for money for food, diapers, transportation and medicine. They are never turned away.

That's because Sandy and Joe know what trouble feels like. Sandy has had five bouts with cancer. Joe, a former police officer, was nearly beaten to death by a suspect. They both love the Joliet community and want to help those in need.

"The people are so friendly," Joe says. "They truly need something, and to give that back, I can't describe what it feels like."

With four children and eight grandchildren, Sandy and Joe say it's easy to give because they feel so blessed.

"We're not in it for the money," Sandy says. "We have a home, we have food on the table. We have a warm roof over our heads. I can't think of anything else I'd rather do."

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