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Ozzie Will Return In 2011

Ozzie Guillen had meetings with Kenny Williams and Jerry Reinsdorf Monday afternoon and, apparently, heard what he needed to hear.  Whatever disagreements existed have been smoothed over and Guillen is ready to finish out the remainder of his contract with the White Sox--and perhaps longer.

Kenny Williams likely said it best, "I asked [Guillen] directly, 'Did he want to be here?  Did he want to be the manager of the Chicago White Sox?"  He said, 'Absolutley, that's all I've ever wanted.'  He said he never asked for an extension ... but he did want to know what his status was and I told him directly, 'I hope I never have another manager--at least while I'm sitting in this chair--for the Chicago White Sox."

As for Ozzie's meeting with Reinsdorf Ozzie said that most of the meeting concerned, "what was in the paper.  He wanted to know my feelings.  I told him what my feelings was.  Everything's cool.  I expect to be here.  Like I said in the past ... I want to be here in the future and everything is great."

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