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Ozzie Wants To Know Fate By End Of Month

(CBS) Ozzie Guillen wants to know his status with the White Sox within two days of the end of the season.

Guillen and his wife are leaving for Spain Sept. 30, two days after the White Sox finish their season against the Toronto Blue Jays, and he wants to know his fate before they leave.

"I hope I do," Guillen said Tuesday. "If not, I know my switch will be off, right away ... I hope my conversation, having dinner with my wife where I'm going to be, is not about my future. It's about having fun and forgetting about this crazy summer and very sad summer."

Guillen then started to question his abilities as a manager.

"I don't say embarrassing, we don't get where we want to get, that make you think, that make you wonder, if you are that good. That makes you wonder if I'm managing well -- if my coaching staff did it's job."

And as he has done before this month, Guillen took the blame for the team's struggles.

"A lot of people have to look themselves in the mirror, from the top all the way to the bottom to see if we did the right thing with this ballclub this year," he said. "Yes, I will take the blame because I don't make an excuse for anything. They gave me a good ballclub and we didn't play well. The reason we don't play well, that's people's opinion.

"I think we didn't play the way we should be playing, and I should be part of that."

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