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Ozzie: It's 'Very Stupid To Play In Cleveland Right Now'

There's no snow in the forecast for Friday's Chicago White Sox season opener in Cleveland, but there's a high of 41 degrees and it should feel like it's in the low 30s. So in other words, it's not ideal baseball weather.

"It's very stupid to play in Cleveland right now," White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen said. "And nothing agaisnt Cleveland though."

But this weather is nothing new for baseball players, every year the first part of April is cold in most northern cities. So while players spend their spring trainings preparing for baseball, they'll now have to quickly prepare for the cold.

"A lot of players, this time of year, have to be prepared themselves mentally to play in cold weather," Guillen said. "That's no excuse. You want to play in nice weather, sign with the NBA and play indoors and you'll be fine.

"There's two teams out there playing in the same weather, I don't expect my players to make any excuse, crying about it, complain about it, because that's a no-no for us."

The White Sox will be in Cleveland for three game before heading to Kansas City for two games and then coming to Chicago for a long 10-game home stretch. So it doesn't appear like great baseball weather is in the team's immediate future.

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