Oak Lawn Wine And Flower Shop To Add Video Gambling
OAK LAWN (CBS) -- Starting tonight, customers at Avenue Flower Shop and Wine Bar will be able to have a glass of wine, order a bouquet of flowers and play a little video poker.
"I have five machines. They are all real nice looking machines. They have lots of games on them," said owner Denise Roll.
Roll opened the flower shop six years ago and expanded with the wine bar two years ago.
Oak Lawn Business Debuts Unique Feature
"The wine bar two years ago increased flower sales and the flowers help boost wine sales," said Roll.
She says that combination worked so well, she decided to go a bit further to increase business.
"My dream was to open a flower shop," said Roll. "Now let me go into something else where I can attract a different audience so I'm trying to bring everybody in and stick with my core business which is selling flowers. If wine and video poker will get more people in, then great. You can't single-source any more."
The video games are expected to be ready for play tonight when they offer live music.
Any business that has a pour liquor license is eligible to apply for permission to have video machines. The state has approved machines at 955 locations, and machines are up and running in more than 650 statewide, he said.
Hours will be from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. Mondays through Saturdays, and 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Sundays.