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Nike May Have Paid $500,000 To Cover For Armstrong's Positive Drug Tests

(WSCR) Nike's decision last week to stand next to embattled cyclists Lance Armstrong was shocking, but not quite as shocking as what was reveled in a New York Daily News report today.

New evidence released by the USADA reveals that Nike may have paid $500,000 to the former UCI president to cover for Armstrong's failed drug tests.

Here's an excerpt from the New York Daily News: "USADA's explosive "reasoned decision" has focused new attention on people who have claimed for years that the cyclist's success was fueled by performance-enhancing drugs – critics who found themselves threatened by Armstrong and his lawyers and marginalized in the media. One of those critics is Kathy LeMond, the wife of American cyclist Greg LeMond, who testified under oath during a 2006 deposition that Nike paid former UCI president Hein Verbruggen $500,000 to cover up a positive drug test."

For the full story, please click here.

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