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Nicor Reducing Monthly Gas Cost Tuesday

CHICAGO (CBS)-- If you're a Nicor Gas customer, the cost of gas is going down slightly for you.

CBS 2's Mugo Odigwe reported last week after many residents were stunned by winter monthly gas bills.

Tuesday, the cost will go down. Nicor's monthly gas cost will now be 55 cents per therm price.

That's 10% less than January's per therm price, which was 61 cents.

Nicor said the cold weather has increased gas usage.

They say demand is also up, since the pandemic because more families and students are working and learning from their homes.

To reduce that monthly bill, regulary replace your air and furnace filters. If you can, be sure to replace those older and less energy efficient gas appliances.

There are also grants and other programs out there to help with your Nicor gas bill.

For more information and to learn how to apply for these programs, visit

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