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Chicago legend Mr. T helps give away shoes to South Side kids

Chicago legend Mr. T helps give away shoes to kids
Chicago legend Mr. T helps give away shoes to kids 00:57

CHICAGO (CBS) -- You gotta "pity the fool" who doesn't have proper footwear. 

OK, Chicago area legend Mr. T didn't actually say that, but that was the general sentiment from a shoe give-away attended by the iconic star at the Cosmopolitan Community Church on the city's South Side on Saturday.

"We want to inspire the kids to get them back to school," Mr. T said. "To let them know school is fun. Learning is fun. Learning is special. That's what we're about, to inspire them, motivate them."

He added, "You know a kid learns better when he has new stuff."

Skechers, Designer Shoe Warehouse, and the local nonprofit The Support Group all teamed up to supply those shoes for students of the Beasley Academic Center.

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