Medill F? Northwestern Journalism Diplomas Misspelled
EVANSTON, Ill. (CBS) -- What does nearly $170,000 in tuition for four years of college get Northwestern University graduates? For honors students in the Medill journalism school, it apparently doesn't get them a proofreader for their diplomas.
About 30 of the more than 250 diplomas handed out to Medill graduates at commencement over the weekend misspelled the word "integrated" as "itegrated."
The Medill journalism school's full name is "Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications."
Medill graduate Kit Fox shared the photo of a classmate's diploma on Twitter. Fox said his own diploma was correct, but diplomas given to honors students had the misspelling.
Graduates and alums took the typo in stride, finding some amusement in the misspelling on a diploma from a journalism school that holds students to very high standards.
New York Times public editor Margaret Sullivan tweeted: "As a proud @MedillSchool alumna, I've never been thrilled w/ school's unwieldy new name. So, poetic justice here."
Many jokingly said the school should get a "Medill F," a reference to the school's tradition of giving out failing grades for assignments with a single factual error such as a misspelled word.
Northwestern says its working on getting corrected diplomas to the graduates.