Mayors Call On Rauner To Rethink Plan To Cut Local Government Revenue
CHICAGO (CBS) -- Mayors in the Chicago area were none-too-pleased when Gov. Bruce Rauner proposed cutting in half the amount of income tax revenue the state sends to municipal governments in Illinois, and they're teaming up to let him know.
Arlington Heights Mayor Thomas Hayes said he's in favor of Rauner taking steps to get the state's fiscal house in order, but Hayes does not support Rauner's plan to slash state revenue for local governments.
"It's a big share: $3.7 million," Hayes said.
The mayor said Arlington Heights already has cut staffing by 10 percent to reduce its budget.
"To cut anymore, in terms of our staffing levels, we'd have to cut into basic, essential services, and that's something we don't want to do as a village," he said.
Hayes said police, fire, and public works would have to be cut back if Rauner's proposed budget goes through.
On Monday, the Arlington Heights village board approved a resolution opposing the proposed reduction in local governments' share of income tax revenue.
Groups representing mayors and local government officials, like the Will County Government League, also oppose that portion of the budget proposal, and have sent a letter of opposition to the governor.
Steve Quigley, executive director of the Will County Government League, said local governments in Will County would stand to lose more than $55 million.
"Everybody knows there's going to be pain to be spread around, but local governments have made their cuts," he said.
Hayes said Rauner needs to take a close look at where cuts will not impact basic services.
Local government leaders also oppose Rauner's proposal to freeze property taxes in Illinois, saying that would tie their hands when coupled with lower income tax revenue.