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Mass Transit Planned For Elgin-O'Hare Extension

CHICAGO (WBBM) -- Planning continues on a proposal to extend the Elgin-O'Hare Expressway to the western edge of the expanded O'Hare International Airport.

As WBBM Newsradio 780's Bob Roberts reports, mass transit is part of the planning.

LISTEN: Newsradio 780's Bob Roberts reports


Longtime Chicagoans will remember the late Mayor Richard J. Daley ordered the Kennedy and Dan Ryan expressways built with wide median strips, which were later filled by 'L' trains.

Regional Transportation Authority executive director Leanne Redden says the same type of planning is being undertaken for the Elgin-O'Hare expansion.

"The reality is, it is probably going to be a bus alternative," she said. "It's probably not likely that we would get to, in any near future, the capacity or the demand for rail."

But Redden says the plan will leave enough room for stations and tracks, should the day and the money ever arrive.

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