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Fatal Hit-And-Run Sends Car Down Expressway Embankment

CHICAGO (CBS) -- Several unanswered questions surrounding the death of a Chicago man, killed in a hit-and-run.

Police say the victim, 31 year-old Corey Owens, was run-off the road on Racine and 100th Street around 1:00 a.m. Saturday.

The Dodge Stratus Owens was in, plowed through this fence, down an embankment, and into the northbound lanes of I-57. Owens was ejected onto the expressway and died at the scene.

Investigators believe the driver of a Land Rover with temporary tags, was responsible for running Owens off the road, but the driver took off, abandoning the SUV, while it was still running.

Gregory Young told CBS 2's Courtney Gousman Corey Owens was his oldest child. Young says the family learned about the accident after his niece received an anonymous phone call saying Owens had been involved in an accident and was dead. Young says that call came shortly after the accident.

Young and other family members rushed to the scene, where police were still investigating. For two hours, they watched as Owens laid motionless on I-57, covered by a sheet.

"You know they wouldn't let us go down there and see him because they said it was an investigation," said Young.

The father tells us Corey Owens was a father too, with two daughters, ages nine and 11.

When asked how he feels about the person who ran his son off the road, the father said, "Bitter. But I know I have to forgive him because that's what God say, forgive, but I'll never forget. Just to the person who rode him off the road, just turn yourself in."

Family members tell us the car Owens was in, did not belong to him, and they're not even sure if Owens was driving at the time of the accident.

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