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Mad Love

The mawkish, transparent goo that Jay Cutler and Mike Martz were serenading reciprocally yesterday is, simply, insulting.

No smart Bears fan will fall for any of it in the first week of August, particularly amid reports of desultory line play, missed assignments by wideouts, multiple practice stoppages and passes chucked away in obvious frustration.

Bad blocking means bad offense.  A weak line means a weak coordinator, regardless of his level of supposed brilliance.  Remember that Martz was out of work for good reason.

Not that it can't come together and eventually succeed in grand fashion, but don't play us for fools right now.

It gets frustrating, too, when information provided to you on our show is initially denied by the team, and the droning herd of Stockholm-syndromed cud-chewers goes along with company line.  Cases in point:  they tried to trade Greg Olsen, only to be underwhelmed by the offers and resign themselves to working him into a misfitting offense -- initially denied, now widely accepted.

Today, I read in the Trib that Martz's name came up early on, but was only hired "...nearly a month later, after the team had exhausted some options who had jobs in the NFL and searched the college ranks."  Right, because Angelo shot down Martz off the bat, only to come back around to him as a last resort, as we told you at the time despite ongoing Bears denials of that being the case.

Edwin Jackson looked OK is his first Sox outing, though he'll be tested better as they move on.  The self-induced blindness to Mark Kotsay's inabilities remains maddening, however, with Ozzie Guillen convinced that Kotsay's -1.0 WAR and execrable .282 wOBA are somehow false or misleading.

The NY Times reports that a former teammate of Lance Armstrong has supported Floyd Landis's claims of widespread doping encouraged and facilitated by Armstrong.  More riders are expected to talk to investigator Jeff Novitsky and the federal grand jury as early as next week.  The eventual disinfecting of the Armstrong fraud could be one of the great achievements in the history of sports.

We'll join you after Sox post today (no "Crappin" until next week).  Tomorrow, the Bud Light "Who Needs Two?" Tavern tour brings us to Real Time Sports in St. Charles.  Make plans to join us for cold beer and free tickets!

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