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Lovie's Future Could Hinge On Playoffs

After last season many Bears fans expected, and hoped, for Lovie Smith to get fired. When it didn't happen, some of those fans were hoping that a bad Bears 2010 season would lead to his departure. As of now, according to Brad Biggs of the Chicago Tribune, Lovie is secure in his position as head coach, as long as the team makes the playoffs.

"[Lovie's] back next year until they say he's not," Biggs said on the Mully and Hanley Show. "His contract runs through 2011, and based on the first half of the season, if things were to end today Lovie Smith would be back next season."

While this may come as bad news for some Bears fans, there is some evidence that ownership can use to justify keeping him.

LISTEN: Brad Biggs On The Mully And Hanley Show


"They can point to a pretty significant improvement by the defense and they can point to the record and that's the bottom line. But there's eight games of football to be played and I don't think anything is concrete yet...Lovie's future will be determined after this 2010 season," Biggs said.

So for the remainder of this season, Lovie must make the case that he's the best man to take this team forward.

"I think he knows that he has to win," Biggs said. "The fact of the matter is, they have to reach the post season. I don't think there's anyway around it. Especially, because we're talking about a watered down NFC this season. You look around the NFC right now and does anyone scare you? I know the New York Giants are playing pretty decent football right now, but there's not a juggernaut in the NFC at this point. So they have to reach the post season, I think, for him to be absolutely secure in his position."

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