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Lincoln Park High School Fires Top Administrators, Suspends Boys Basketball Season

CHICAGO (CBS) -- A bombshell at Lincoln Park High School: CPS has fired top administrators and suspended the highly ranked boys high school basketball team for the rest of the season due to "multiple allegations of serious misconduct." Reportedly, it's fallout from a student sex scandal.

Interim Principal John Thuet and Assistant Principal Michelle Brumfield were fired. Dean John Johnson and Boys Basketball Coach Donovan Robinson "have been reassigned from their duties pending the outcome of these investigations," according to a letter sent Friday evening to parents.

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The nature of the misconduct was not referenced in the email. The Sun-Times reports, former basketball coach Pat Gordon was suspended by CPS three weeks ago. CPS is investigating charges that a player had sex while the team was on a trip to Detroit and whether the incident was properly reported, if at all.

CPS is not saying what role the administrators played in the incident.

"I know this is difficult news for the school community, but please know that we would not have taken these actions if we did not believe they were necessary to promote the safe and supportive educational environment your children deserve," wrote Laura LeMone, chief of schools for High School Network 14.

The basketball team was 19-3 so far this year and one of the top-ranked clubs in Class 4A.

An email to parents sent by Thuet on Jan. 9 did not specifically mention Gordon or the Detroit trip, but said he had "been made aware that members of the boys basketball team took an overnight trip over winter break that was not a school sponsored event. The staff member who led the trip has been removed from the school, and the district is investigating this situation in accordance with CPS policy. "

Judith Gibbs and Jerryelyn Jones have been named as the Administrators-in-Charge of LPHS.

Administrators will hold a meeting with parents and families on Monday at 6 p.m. to discuss the changes.


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