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Konerko Was 'Prepared' To Move On

White Sox fans can stop worrying about whether or not team captain Paul Konerko will return to the South Side. Many of them, more than likely, prepared themselves for life with Konerko in a different uniform. And that's the same thing that Konerko was doing as the process neared it's end.

"After we kind of stated our case in Monday's meeting I was ready to move on," Konerko said on the Boers and Bernstein Show. "The decision to move on would have happened [Tuesday] for me. And it probably would have been [Wednesday] or [Thursday] that I was wearing a different uniform, it's that simple."

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Part of the free-agency process is understanding that you might not get exactly what you want. If the money and the logistics don't add up, then a deal might not get done. If that were to have been the case, then Konerko was preparing himself to leave after twelve great years in the organization.

"I was prepared [to leave]. I was cool with it," Konerko said. "I had played for the [White Sox] for a long time and I felt good about it all. I was at peace with it all. You know what you want, but you have to stand up and do what is right for you."

It looks as if Konerko not only did what was right for himself and his family, but also did what he wanted. The deferred money in the final year of his contract will help the White Sox in the future. While a new contract puts a good end to the free-agent process, being courted and negotiating with teams isn't as enjoyable as some would think.

"In general, the whole process is a lot more fun when you're on the outside of it looking in," Konerko said. "Because everyday you're human, so you have emotion. One day you think you're wearing this uniform. And the next day it could be this one. And you have a wife and kids to think about, and all that has to go with it. So it's not quite as fun as it seems."

The process may not have been so much fun for Konerko, but the results are sure to make him happy. Konerko, and newly signed Adam Dunn, will make up a powerful offense to go along with great starting pitching.

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