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Kane Refutes Missing Practice Due To Late Night

Early Friday afternoon released three photos the site alleged were of Blackhawks' winger Patrick Kane.  The site further stated the photos were taken late Sunday, February 13th after the team returned from Phoenix.  The pictures--taken at a bar--and story alleged that Kane was out late drinking.  Kane then missed two days of practice with what the team termed as the flu.

After Friday night's loss to the Blue Jackets, Kane was asked how he felt about the site's report.  "That website kind of speaks for itself," Kane said.  "You know you get two days off and you're sick and, you know, people are going to make up things.  I don't know where the pictures came from—if they were from the summer or what.  I guess that's the kind of reputation I have around here where, you know, you're sick for two days and people think you're doing that stuff.

I got a text from my buddy and you see that.  I mean, your heart kind of drops especially when, you know, you're sick.  I think that website makes up a lot of stuff."

Kane was also asked if he felt the site had grabbed a rumor and simply run with it.  "I don't know if that's the reputation I have... people think I get two days off and that kind of stuff happens," Kane said. "I'm here to play hockey.  That's what I love doing.  Especially at this time of year I'm focused in on what this team needs to do and what I have to do.  That's all I'll say about that."

It's not the first time Kane has been implicated in this kind of story.  Prior to last season he and his cousin were in an alleged incident with a taxi driver in Buffalo.  Also, during last season, photos surfaced of Kane and ex-Hawks John Madden and Kris Versteeg shirtless in a limo.

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