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Harris: Just Enjoy This Year's Ride With The Bulls

by Adam Harris--

The Chicago Bulls are in an interesting situation this year.

The addition of two time all-star power forward Carlos Boozer, sharp shooting guard/forward Kyle Korver, and guard Ronnie Brewer to the already nice combination of point guard Derrick Rose and center Joakim Noah has the city of Chicago buzzing about the possibilities this year.

While I think this team is talented enough to finish at least third, and maybe second in the Eastern Conference, I find myself also thinking that this team cannot win a championship this year.

However, I am not going to let that statement ruin the fun I could have watching the Chicago Bulls this year. This season matters even if it does not result in an NBA Championship.

Many people, including some at this station might disagree saying that "if there is no championship the season was a waste", or "if a championship is not your ultimate goal then you think like a loser."

If I watch this season with that mentality, I simply will not enjoy the 2010-11 Chicago Bulls. I do not feel like watching every game with the thought in the back of my head saying this team has no chance to beat a Miami Heat or Los Angeles Laker team in the NBA Playoffs.

So if you are one who finds themselves at a viewing and mental crossroads with the Bulls this season, take this advice: Watch the games knowing that the team is good, but do not put your mind in an all or nothing mentality. You can enjoy great basketball in Chicago this winter without expecting a championship.

If you expect a championship you will most likely be disappointed and therefore think of the season as a waste of time. This Bulls team gives us as fans a once in a long while opportunity to watch a potentially great team, with a care free attitude.

I say we as a city take advantage of this situation and enjoy watching a top two point guard in the NBA right now in Derrick Rose, and an all-star big man in Carlos Boozer work together. Enjoy watching Rose grow and lead a team with a lot of playoff experience.

Who knows, maybe injuries will happen across the league throughout the season and the Bulls will become the favorite. This year I made a pledge to myself to get too high on the highs and not to get too low on the lows.

I have spent too many years not enjoying a fun Bulls team full of Andres Noccioni's, Kirk Hinrich's and Ben Gordon's because I ultimately knew they would lose in the playoffs. I'm excited to finally enjoy a Bulls season without the championship mindset constantly in my head. I suggest you do the same.

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