'June Is The Most Dangerous Time To Be A Turtle'
By John Dodge
CHICAGO (CBS) -- Hoping to avoid the "significant amount of carnage" from last year, Vernon Hills is taking important steps to save its turtle population.
Crews there have posted Turtle Crossing warning signs in the Greggs Landing neighborhood, where turtles are expected to begin slowly crossing the street for the nesting season.
"Pretty much the month of June is the most dangerous time to be a turtle," said Gary Glowacki, a wildlife biologist with the Lake County Forest Preserve District.
It is during that time that female turtles migrate to nesting sites, which in this case require them to plod across Hazeltime Drive.
"We did have a significant amount of carnage last year," David Brown, public works director and village
engineer, said.
The goal is to simply make drivers more aware and avoid the problems of last year when several dozen turtles were run over by cars.
Update: It appears the neighborhood fought for the signs: