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Joakim Noah On Patrick Kane: Leave My Guy Alone

(WSCR) Joakim Noah has a message for the media: Leave Patrick Kane alone.

During a recent interview, Noah was asked to list his three favorite Chicago athletes.  Not surprisingly, Noah listed A.J Pierzysnki, Patrick Kane and, well, Patrick Kane again.

That wasn't all, though. Noah then went on a brief tangent asking the media to leave his friend alone after Kane came under fire when pictures of him intoxicated in the streets of Madison began to circulate around the Internet.

"You guys are on him," Noah said. "Leave my guy alone. He's a young boy. He made you guys so happy when he won the Stanley Cup, and now you guys see a couple of pictures on the Internet, and you're all over him. What happens in the club, stays in the club. Chicago, stop taking pictures and trying to criminalize players and stuff like that. Pat Kane, you my guy. ... Let him do his thing. He's 23-year-old."

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