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Is Big Z Cured Of His Anger Issues?

Whenever Carlos Zambrano took the mound for the Cubs, no one knew what to expect. He was always a pitcher to be feared, but not always by the batter.

Big Z was eventually sent to anger management last season after erupting on his teammates. Upon his return, he told everyone he was cured of his anger issues with a smile. After the several months off for the off-season, the question remains. Is Carlos Zambrano really cured?

LISTEN: Bob Brenly on the Rosenbloom and Grote Show


"I don't get too caught up in all of that," Cubs TV analyst Bob Brenly said about the star pitcher. "There was something to be said for 'Crazy Carlos.' It was a lot of fun to watch every fifth day. You might see a no hitter, you might see him hit one of his own player, you never knew what was going to happen."

Consistency is key to winning and the Cubs are determined to end their championship drought. If Carlos Zambrano can't keep is anger under control and focus on the game, mistakes are bound to happen.

"We would like to see more maturity out of Carlos because the talent, it just screams at you that this is a guy that should be a perennial 20-25 game winner, an unquestioned ace of the staff," Brenly said. "But we haven't seen that for more than just some flashes here and there. And hopefully Carlos is in a stage of his life where he wants to take the next step."

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