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Illinois Politicians Debate President Trump's Future After Mueller Report Released

Chicago (CBS) -- One lawmaker called today an important moment in modern American politics. Depending on your political perspective, this day is either a relief, or the start of more scrutiny.

"There was no collusion with Russia. There was no obstruction, none whatsoever and it was a complete and total exoneration," President Trump said.

The president declared victory. His critics and Democrats, like Illinois Rep. Jan Schakowsky, declared anything but a win for the commander in chief.

"In fact, the very words that he was not exonerated are in the report," Schakowsky said.

In a letter to the House and Senate Judiciary committees, Attorney General William Barr summarized the results of Robert Mueller's investigation:

"The Special Counsel's investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election."

Barr's letter added, "Despite multiple efforts from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign."

On the question of whether the president obstructed justice, Barr said the special counsel stated," While this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."

The special counsel's office has issued more than 2,800 subpoenas, executed nearly 500 search warrants and interviewed approximately 500 witnesses. It charged 34 people and three companies.

The summary of 22 months of work is now condensed into four pages.

Democrats are eager to see details.

"This may not be indictable does not mean that there's no wrongdoing here, and so we're going to scrutinize all the information," Schakowsky said.

Republican Rep. Darin LaHood from Peoria took to social media to say, "Mueller's report found no evidence of criminal activity or intent on behalf of President Trump or his campaign ... With the report finally completed, it is now time for the Democrats and the country to move on."

Fellow Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger who represents areas west and south of Chicago added, "The special counsel's report is good news ... it's good for our democracy and the integrity of our elections."

Schakowsky described it differently for the president's future.

"I think this is probably the best day that the president has had, is having going forward. It think it's only going to get worse as we get the documents," she said.

Schakowsky believes the details Democrats are looking for will become available in the hours and days ahead.

Sen. Dick Durbin is also calling for the Mueller report to be released publicly. In a statement, he said:

"The 'summary' document [Attorney General William Barr] provided today creates more questions than it answers, particularly with respect to obstruction of justice by the President. The American people – who for two years have waited patiently for the Mueller investigation to conclude – deserve the full truth in Special Counsel Mueller's own words."

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