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Hot Halloween Costumes For 2010

CHICAGO (CBS) -- With October half over, is your Halloween costume ready for the big night? In case you need some help with ideas, CBS's 2's Mary Kay Kleist has found the hottest picks for costumes this year.

The top choices for kids in 2010 are costumes with a TV show or movie connection.

Mason Carroll, 3, was out shopping for Halloween costumes with his mom, Sharon, this week and tried out lots of popular costumes.

"He's been Batman, he's been Scooby Doo, he's been Superman so far. Just this morning," Susan Carroll said.

Robert Gennardo, district manager of Party City, said "Toy Story 3 is really popular right now. Transformers is extremely popular. And Avatar is really popular too."

Francine McCabe, a mother of 8, said, "My seventh grader, and my fifth grader, and my fourth grader, and my kindergartener, all dress up. And then Kelsey will dress up this year."

One-year-old Kelsey is leaning towards Elmo.

No matter what they choose, it's the memories that last a lifetime.

"Just going trick-or-treating and carving the pumpkin, the pumpkin seeds ... just the whole thing. We get into holidays," McCabe said.

Once the kids get all decked out for the big night, don't forget safety. Send them off with a glowstick, or a flashlight, or even reflective armbands are fun to wear.

For adults this year, the top choices include Jake Sully, the main character in Avatar; vampires, thanks to the "Twilight Saga" and "True Blood"; the Mario Brothers; and the always outrageous Lady Gaga.

The Mad Hatter and the Queen of Hearts from "Alice in Wonderland" are a popular pairing this year too.

Sarah Gargula picked up her Halloween costume this week before heading back to college.

"Halloween is my favorite holiday, so I always try to dress up," she said. "I get really excited even months before, I'm like whoa, what am I gonna be?"

Once your child decides what to be, you should make sure the costume fits comfortably, so they can run from house to house in the dark. And if there is a mask, be sure it's properly positioned on their face so they can see well.

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