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Hospital photos show Brieonna Cassell, Indiana woman rescued after 6 days trapped in wrecked car, in recovery

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An Indiana woman continues to recover as part of her incredible story of survival, having spent six days trapped in her crumpled car following a wreck.

A photo released Thursday shows Brieonna Cassell, 41, in her hospital bed, with her Hailey Ketchum making a metal horns gesture at her side. Cassell is bruised and bandaged up, but appears to be in good spirits.

Brieonna Cassell in her hospital bed. She was found Tuesday after six days in a wrecked car in Newton County, Indiana. Hailey Ketchum is seen to Cassell's left. Hailey Ketchum

Cassell's mother, Kim Brown, sent another photo of Cassell in the hospital later Thursday evening.

Brieonna Cassell Kim Brown

Brown said her daughter was set to have surgery Thursday – as there was some concern with the healing of her legs. Brown said doctors were optimistic, but it will be a long road to recovery.

A man found Cassell inside her car in Newton County, Indiana on Tuesday, six days after her family had reported her missing.

Johnny Martinez – who was driving a 10-foot-tall tractor working for Deyoung Drainage on County Road 600S near County Road 300E near the Newton County Landfill – saw what turned out to be Cassell's car crashed in a ditch by the side of the road. He contacted his supervisor, Morocco Fire Chief Jeremy Vanderwall, who joined him to investigate the crash.

Vanderwall said at first, Martinez did not think anyone was in the car. But they both later found out there was.

When they checked the car, police said they found Cassell inside alone, conscious and able to speak. They discovered she had been injured and trapped in her crashed car for nearly a week. Vanderwall said Cassell told him she had been dipping a green sweater into the ditch to get water.

Cassell taken to Advocate Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn after she was rescued.

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