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Handicapped Man Victim Of Home Invasion

DES PLAINES, Ill. (STMW) -- Des Plaines authorities are investigating a home invasion that forced a handicapped resident to flee his home because burglars threatened to kill him.

The 67-year-old man, who has trouble moving, was watching TV in his kitchen last week when burglars came through a back door on the 900 block of Mason Lane, police said. Four to five large men ran in after 4 p.m. May 18, talking on walkie talkies and said the resident needed to leave because there was an electrical fire, according to reports.

One burglar demanded to know where the elderly man hid his money and threatened to kill him, police said. After several trips in and out of the home, the burglars took a TV, silver and gold coins, cash and a cell phone that was strapped to the man's arm, reports stated.

Somehow, the man was able to make his way to a neighbor's home to call police because his home phone was disconnected and cell phone was stolen, authorities said.

The resident told police at one point the group began speaking a foreign language he did not understand.

A similar incident occurred at the same home in 2002 when two men forced their way into the home because they claimed there was a fire in the backyard, according to reports.

The items were valued at $5,000.

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