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Good Samaritans Want To Return Found Cash

CHICAGO (CBS) -- What would you do if you found a big wad of cash on the ground? 

One north suburban couple found an envelope full of money just before Christmas, and they've been trying  to return it to the rightful owner, CBS 2's Mike Parker reports.

On Dec. 21, Glenview teacher Shannon Dowdle was walking into an Ulta Beauty store in Skokie and found some cash in a bank envelope on the sidewalk.

"I opened the envelope, and I counted the amount and I was just amazed. It was over $1,000," she said.

Sine then, Shannon and her husband, Rick, and their kids have been working to find the rightful owner. They've canvassed the stores near their discovery and have been checking websites.

At one point, a couple showed up at Ulta and asked if anyone knew anything about cash they had lost. An employee who didn't know that Shannon had left a contact number said "no," and the couple left.

"It's like a bad movie where you see the people they're supposed to meet, and one goes in the door, one goes out the other door, and you just miss like that," Rick Dowdle said.

The family wants nothing more than to find the owners.

"It's not our money and I know that the people who lost it are upset about it," Rick Dowdle said.

The owners must send detailed information about the money they lost -- the type of envelope it was in, the exact amount -- to this email address:

If they can't find the owner, the Dowdles will give the money to charity.

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