Former CSN Reporter Collins: 'Can't Regret' The Past
(CBS) Speaking on record for the first time since she was fired from her post at Comcast Sportsnet Chicago, Susannah Collins says she can't regret anything from her past.
Collins, who was fired after her racy sports-related videos surfaced on YouTube, agreed to speak with the Tribune's David Haugh about her dismissal, which was pushed for by the Blackhawks who own a percentage of CSN Chicago.
"Did it suck going through this? Yes. It did,'' said Collins. "But there are people with way bigger problems than I had. I keep that in mind every single day. I'll be OK.''
"I never wanted anyone to be offended. I felt horrible if people were. It was meant to be a scripted, satirical thing. I did feel bad if anyone was offended. But I can't regret … everything that I've done in the 21/2 years that I started working in this industry ultimately led me to that job at CSN Chicago. I don't know if I would have gotten to where I was without those (videos).''
For the full story from the Tribune, please click here.