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Former Chicago FOP President Kevin Graham Suspended Over Hidden Camera Left In Office

CHICAGO (CBS) -- Kevin Graham, the former president of the Fraternal Order of Police in Chicago, has been suspended for three years over a hidden camera he left inside the current president's office.

When Graham lost his bid for reelection, he had to clear his office. However, three weeks after new union boss John Catanzara took over, a camera with remote access was found still working.

A sweep of the entire building was then conducted.

During a hearing, Graham said he failed to remove the mounted camera. Catanzara said that is a problem.

"The issue was when I took over, he had an obligation to tell me, and he didn't. It's really that simple," Catanzara said. "We're talking about a past president of this lodge. This isn't just an average policeman doing something silly and facing charges for this lodge. You'd expect someone who's been and member of this department and lodge for so long to act above reproach."

The FOP said there was originally a 30-day recommended suspension, but the board opted for a stiffer suspension. Graham can appeal to the state FOP lodge.


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