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Forensic Interviews Help Traumatic Memories Surface

CHICAGO (CBS)--Part of Doctor Christine Blasey Ford's testimony that had America's eyes glued to their screens on Thursday detailed why she didn't undergo a forensic interview following her alleged assault.

CBS 2 examined the role of forensic interviews in trauma abuse cases.

Law enforcement officers, prosecutors, and medical professionals are all trained in forensic interview techniques. Interviewers believe the technique brings suppressed memories to the surface.

"The role of the forensic interviewer is to be completely neutral," said Shawnte Jenkins of the Chicago Children's Advocacy Center. "You are not asking a lot of feeling questions, you are asking a lot of factual questions."

Jenkins said the technique is mostly used with children and adolescents who experienced trauma.

"Letting the child tell the story in their own words and not putting words in their mouth." she said. "I have to go into that room making no assumptions."


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