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For Bears, Biggest Change Has Been No Change

After a 7-9 season, and missing the playoffs for the third straight season, people were demanding drastic change. But the change that happened, as Lance Briggs put it, was no change.

"The biggest change for Lovie [Smith] is probably to not change, to stay true to his beliefs, his coaching," Briggs said."When we think, during training camp, maybe we'll have an extra practice or maybe we'll have less practice, he's consistent, very consistent."

While change is seen as the quickest way to improve, it will only be true if it's change for the better. Change for the sake of change, or change as a result of panic, won't fix anything.

And with football players, at times, being creatures of habit, consistency can be good, especially when they believe in it.

"That's the type of play he demands from his men, consistent play," Briggs said of Lovie. "So, I think the biggest change is that there's no change."

The fact that Lovie stayed the course, and believed in his system is commendable. But the results that are a product of that, have brought Lovie praise.

"[Lovie's] got my vote for coach of the year," Briggs said. "There's a lot of coaches out there that deserve it, but he's definitely one of them."

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