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Fooled Again

Only in the world of the Cubs can something like this happen.

For the umpteenth time, Carlos Zambrano wigs out.  He's shipped off to MLB-sanctioned happy camp for reprogramming, with the hope being that he returns normal-looking enough to trade him away to a starry-eyed suitor who may help foot the remaining, gastritis-inducing bill.

Well, guess what?  The suitor has been found!

And it's the Cubs.

The Sun Times reports today that Zambrano's recent performances and demeanor may have been enough to convince Jim Hendry and/or others that he'll fit nicely in next year's rotation.  They are apparently willing to bet that the volcanic Venezuelan is now dormant, and, too, that his crackling stuff is ready to return.

Seems like "Year Two" is going to be an awful lot like "Year One."

The White Sox, meantime, simply can't lose at home to Baltimore on the same night Minnesota drops its third straight.  Talented young opposing pitcher (and evil umpires) or not, that chance cannot be frittered away into just another game ticked off the schedule.  As Ozzie/Kenny/Twitter/Oney continues like a toothache.

Manny Ramirez may be on the way, presumably to provide veteran bullpen help.  Or something.

Watching Derrick Rose take on increased responsibility and profile with USA Basketball should please me as a Bulls fan, right?  I should be happy that such experience will accelerate his development into a top-tier NBA star.  But I am sick every time a highlight pops on the screen, terrified that he is going to get hurt and/or worn down playing so hard for such a meaningless purpose.

"Who You Crappin?" returns -- finally -- at 5:00 today, and we partner-swap tomorrow:  I'll host with Spiegs from 9-1, and Dan McNeil joins Terry for a one-show HFC reunion at Bar Louie in Naperville on the Bud Light "Who Needs Two?" Tavern Tour.

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