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Faculty strike at Governors State University continues; classes continue with different instructors

Faculty strike at Governors State University continues; classes continue with different instructors
Faculty strike at Governors State University continues; classes continue with different instructors 02:04

CHICAGO (CBS) -- Some college students are finding it hard to stay motivated while their usual professors aren't in the classroom. The faculty at Governors State University south of Chicago has been on strike since Tuesday. 

Students say they support their teachers, but they want campus to return to normal. 

The tone on campus has changed. 

"This is not the same. It doesn't feel the same. We're not learning what we're supposed to be learning," said graduate student Maria Arrez. 

Students feel stuck. 

"Yeah, because it's like you want to come and get whatever education you think they're going to give you, but then you also want to be there for your teachers," said graduate student Xochitl Regalado. 

The professors have been on the picket line since the strike began. The union representing faculty is asking the university for what it calls a cost-of-living salary increase. 

Students who support the strike also worry about their education. 

"I wouldn't call this an education right now because we're kind of just like, we don't even know what's going on to be honest," said Jess Kirshenbaum, also a graduate student. 

The university says campus is open and students should attend class even though their usual professors won't be there. 

"How is a random instructor that doesn't know us, doesn't know our work throughout the semester, going to grade us on assignments?" 

"If they can't teach we can't learn," said Arrez. 

"When you end up going to class and what you learn is useless, then it's like you kind of made my decision for me," said Regalado. 

Students who once felt free to learn are tired of feeling stuck. 

"It's just very unsettling I'll say." 

A spokesperson for the university said the counteroffer from the union is well above what the university can afford and also released this statement. 

This week, Governors State University continued negotiating with the union representing faculty, University Professionals of Illinois (UPI), Local 4100, around a new collective bargaining agreement under the guidance of a federal mediator. During yesterday's session, we presented the union with another across-the-board wage increase – a combination of annual salary increases and a one-time bonus payment. This offer represents that limit of what Governors State University can realistically afford and is higher than any wage package UPI has accepted in at least 15 years. The union presented a counteroffer that remained well above what the University can afford given its current resources. 

We continue to make progress in other areas, including reaching a new tentative agreement today on workload for AcademicSupport Professionals and overload payment for them. We are scheduled to resume negotiations on Monday and remain optimistic we can reach a fair and responsible agreement. 

Campus IS OPEN and University operations continue uninterrupted. Students should continue to attend all their classes unless instructed otherwise.

They are set to resume negotiations on Monday. 

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