Ex-FBI Agent: Salon Bandit Getting More Bold
CHICAGO (CBS) -- A former FBI agent says the man who's been robbing hair salons at gunpoint is probably getting more emboldened with each successful robbery.
The hair salon bandit or 'bad hair bandit' as one police agency calls him, is choosing his targets for a couple of reasons, says former FBI special agent Ross Rice.
"He has selected targets where security is low, where he is not going to be challenged in any way, it is predominately female patrons and female employees and like with serial bank robbers he was successful the first time so that success breeds more confidence in the robber," says Rice. "He is probably going to continue to hit these places until he is apprehended."
Ex-FBI Agent: Salon Bandit Getting More Bold
Rice says apprehending him is a challenge for law enforcement because he has struck all over the Chicago area. He says salon employees might be the key to catching him, keeping an eye on who might look suspicious and calling police.