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'Everybody Just Believes In Lovie'

Lovie Smith takes constant criticism from the media and fans. But the players show unwavering support for their head coach, and the reason for that is simple, they trust him.

"It's just a lot of trust," Bears' long snapper Patrick Mannelly said on the Danny Mac Show. "Everbody has bought into who he is and what he stands for and what our goals are."

LISTEN: Patrick Mannelly On The Danny Mac Show


Lovie didn't earn that loyalty and trust just by getting his players to buy into his schemes and goals. Unlike some coaches, Lovie never publicly criticizes his players. It's an "us against the world" type attitude, and his teams have always adapted that.

"Everybody just believes in him," Mannelly said. "And not selling us out, he obviously believes in us. Inside our locker-room, with the coaches and everything, it's a pretty cohesive group. It's worked well in the past and it's working well this year."

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