Emanuel Wants Comprehensive Wrigley Deal
CHICAGO (CBS) -- The Chicago Cubs bid for more night games at Wrigley Field is apparently on hold while talks about the renovation of the Friendly Confines go on, reports WBBM Political Editor Craig Dellimore from City Hall.
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The Cubs want to ease limits on night games, some late afternoon games and on concerts, but Lakeview Alderman Tom Tunney (44th) did not introduce the proposed ordinance at the latest city council meeting.
That seemed to have the strong blessing of Mayor Emanuel.
"First of all, we are not going to break off a piece of that ordinance. It is all in one piece. We are going to do this comprehensively," said Emanuel.
The mayor wants a deal on the $300 million renovation of Wrigley Field.
"There is an agreement to be had. It's right there. All you need is a little leadership and a little will," said Emanuel.
The mayor would not talk specifics.