Elementary School Student Blames Teacher For Broken Arm
CHICAGO (CBS) - An elementary school student is blaming a faculty member for his broken arm.
Adan Castro, 11, says it didn't happen on the playground or running around; rather, he is pointing the finger at a school faculty member.
Castro sat down with CBS 2's Charlie De Mar to share his story.
"He put too much pressure on it and then popped it," said Castro.
Castro is back at home after having surgery on his right arm.
He attends Connections Academy East in Lake Forest, a school that serves kids with significant behavioral and emotional needs.
"The teacher got up and grabbed my wrist," recalled Castro. "It felt extremely painful."
Castro says he was asked by the faculty member to remove his hand from a desk. He complied, but when Castro put his hand back, he says that's when the teacher grabbed him.
Castro's mother, speaking to CBS 2 News through a translator, says she has no reason to doubt her son's side of the story, adding the situation could have been handled differently.
"He hasn't done anything. He's very gentle. He's not like a wild child. If you tell him something, he's going to listen," said Castro's sister.
School leaders, citing confidentiality laws, refused to directly acknowledge the incident.
Connections Academy East released a statement that said, "If the allegation involves harm to a student, we remove staff from working with students until the investigation is complete."
The Castro family filed a police report with the Lake Forrest Police Department.
They acknowledged that Adan's arm was hurt sometime during school hours, but are investigating how his arm was injured.