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Doyel: Baseball's Champagne Celebration A Tired Cliche

By Gregg Doyel-

(CBS) Baseball players are still doing that stupid champagne thing in the clubhouse, and every year it bothers me, and every year I let it go. Because who wants to be the curmudgeon complaining about those silly young men and their rascally celebration? Not me. Not until this year, when the Tampa Bay Rays did it twice in 48 hours.

This happened Monday: The Rays beat the Rangers in the 163rd regular-season game to win a wild-card spot, and celebrated by spraying champagne all around the plastic-covered visitors' clubhouse.

And then this happened Wednesday: The Rays beat the Indians in the one-game wild-card playoff, and celebrated by spraying champagne all around the plastic-covered visitors' clubhouse.

For the rest of this column, please click here.

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