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Does Deng Get Overlooked?

Over the past few years Luol Deng's name was rumored to be involved in trades that would have brought Kobe Bryant or Carmelo Anthony to the Bulls. The fact that neither trade happened might be good for the Bulls.

It's good for the Bulls because while Derrick Rose is probably the MVP of the league, Deng might be the MVP of the Bulls.

"Well if you'd ask Tom Thibodeau you'd get the MVP answer," K.C. Johnson of the Chicago Tribune said on the Mully and Hanley Show. "I mean obviously Derrick Rose is the best player on the team...[Deng] had been phenomenal, nine points in the fourth quarter [Sunday], including the final five, consistent defense all season. It's clear, just in the minutes played and the way Tom talks about him publicly, he consistently refers to [Deng] as the glue of the team. And he's certainly Tom's security blanket.

LISTEN: K.C. Johnson On The Mully And Hanley Show


For the rest of this interview and other 670 The Score interviews click here.

"I mean he's out there with the starters and he's also he's always out there with that second unit as the one starter that stays on. He's had a very very consistent and strong season. I got a lot of heat for saying he should have been an All-Star, I still believe that. I just think that the value he brings to this team and his versatility defensively and the reliability he's had all season I think often gets overlooked."

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