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DEFEND YOUR RIDE: Nykeya At The Smart Museum Of Art

"I honestly don't have a dream car anymore. It's because I'm just so satisfied with this car."

The Ride
The Driver: Nykeya
Car in Question: 2008 Gold Saturn Aura
Spotted at: Smart Museum of Art, 5550 S. Greenwood Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637
Odometer: 40,000
Car's Nickname: Aura


Q: What made you choose this particular vehicle?

A: I went to CarMax and looked at a bunch of different cars. However, when I got into this one, I was sold when I could plug my iPod into the car. Plus, it came with seat warmers! Those were two of the major things that sold me. It also came with OnStar, which is great. If something goes wrong, like I blow out a tire, or my car stops, they will come get me. I also love that everything is automatic. I definitely didn't have that before. My absolute favorite feature is the fact that my car tells me when the oil is low, or something might be wrong. So I no longer have to play the guessing game.

Q: How is this car different than ones you've had in the past?

A: This one is absolutely modern. The last car I had my dad gave to me. I called it the old man car because it had crush red velvet seats. It had a weird odor. There were cigarette butts hidden up underneath the seats. Finally, one day it just crapped out on me. After it broke down, I parked it in front of my house up until I could figure out what to do with it. After a while, it started to mold. I was happy when I finally got rid of that car. The car I had before that one was a 1994 Toyota Camry. Someone gave that car to me also. It was a really nice car. Unfortunately, one day it caught on fire.

Q: How did it catch on fire?!

A: One day I was going to work. I worked at Chicago Apartment Finders at the time. With that job, you have to drive your clients around. This particular day I didn't have to drive my car, since my clients were driving. I parked my car on 52nd and Blackstone at 9:00 a.m. When I came back to get my car around 5:00 p.m., I found a note on it saying that somehow my car had caught on fire. So yeah, the car was gone.

Q: What does this car say about you?

A: It says that I'm really, really, really grown up. There is a note and there's insurance. I just can't get $50 liability insurance anymore. I have to have full coverage.

Q: How long do you expect to keep this car?

A: I plan to keep this car up until I get sick of it, or I can no longer plug up my iPod. If my iPod no longer syncs, then it's a sign that this car is done.

Q: Do you have any rules for your car?

A: Just for one friend in particular. She blew it the first day she got in the car. It was her first time driving in the car, and she wanted to open up a bottle of ranch dressing and eat in my car. But seriously, I don't have any rules for my car. People can eat and drink in the car, but most people don't. I've never said to anyone you can't eat or drink in the car. I think people understand I want to keep the car looking a particular way.

Q: So no smoking?

A: Oh, no! No smoking at all. People know not to smoke in my car.

Q: You seem to be taking great care of your car. Does that mean premium gas?

A: Definitely regular gas. I wouldn't buy a car right now that can only take premium gas. The only way I would buy a car that took premium gas is if my income doubled, or I married someone who made a nice salary. Other than that, I will stick with cars that just take regular gas.

Q: Finally, what's your absolute dream car?

A: I honestly don't have one anymore, I think it's because I'm just so satisfied with this car. But I do have cars that I have driven that I really, really liked, like Mazdas. I was really impressed with them, and I'm rarely, if ever, impressed with a car. I also like the BMW 7 series. It was such a nice car.

Photos and interview by Nicolette Chambers

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