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DEFEND YOUR RIDE: Nate At Rock & Roll McDonald's

"This was the first car I ever bought, so it's always going to be special."

The Ride
The Driver: Nate
Car in Question: 2000 Ford Taurus SEL
Spotted at: Rock & Roll McDonald's, 600 N Clark St, Chicago, IL 60610
Odometer: 210,000
Car's Nickname: Taurus


Q: Hi Nate. What is your car's main use?

A: Work, recreation, and business purposes. It seems like I am always in my car. I think I'm in my car more than I am in my bed, which is unfortunate.

Q: What's your favorite or worst part of your commute to work?

A: I say my favorite part is that I'm going away from traffic. When I go to and from work, traffic is always going the opposite direction. So I have a pretty smooth ride. I generally listen to some music or educational tapes, while driving. The worst part is the miles that I have to drive. Gas is kinda of high and it eats up a lot of the paycheck driving around.

Q: What was your favorite trip that you took from home in your car?

A: I would probably say a road trip that I took to Illinois State University my sophomore year of college. I was going down there to see my friends. There was also a party going on at the same time. We had a good time, so I would say that was definitely one of my favorite excursions. The second favorite trip I took was to pick up my brother from Alabama A&M. It was a seven-hour drive going, and a seven-hour drive coming back. I drove a total of 14 hours in one day.

Q: When did you start driving?

A: I started driving at 15, and got my license at 16. I taught myself how to drive. I asked my mom to see the car and started driving it around the block, even on the highway. I was a natural at it. I took driver's education, but by that time I already knew how to drive.

Q: How did you come about your car?

A: It took me about 18 months to find it. I was trying to find the right car that fit me. I just wanted to have a car by my sophomore year. I worked really hard to get it. I did have a little bit of help getting it though. The car cost $6,000. My grandmother paid $1,000. I paid the rest. It was fully paid off in two years.

Q: What does your car say about you?

A: It's a Taurus and I'm a Taurus. It gets me around from point A to point B. It's a smooth ride. It has leather seats, a sunroof, and nice surround sound. It was the best car that I could afford at the time.

Q: If your car had a human emotion, what would it be?

A: I would say smooth. If you count smooth as an emotion, I would call it smooth because it's a smooth ride.

Q: What do you think your next car will realistically be?

A: I need to get a fuel efficient car. If I had it my way, I would get an Audi 8, a Taurus, or a Ford Fusion. I am not stuck on any of them now. When the time comes, I will make the decision. I hope that this car survives one more Chicago winter. Then I'm going to get a new car. If I could have it my way, it would be new. But more than likely, it will be used.

Q: Anything else you want us to know about your ride?

A: It has truly lasted the test of time. I have truly abused this car. I have driven the car a lot. Others have driven the car. I have put hard miles on it, highway miles, city miles. I pretty much haven't had any problems with the car. It is definitely a soldier. It has lasted. It was the first car I ever bought. You know, the first car you ever have is always special to you. It has lasted much longer than I ever thought it would last. Another reason why I got this car is because it is spacious. When people don't have cars, they always want to ride in your car. I wanted to get something that four or five people could fit into comfortably.

Photos and interview by Nicolette Chambers

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