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DEFEND YOUR RIDE: Andrea At Zen Noodles & Sushi

"My dad works for Ford back in Michigan."

The Ride
The Driver: Andrea
Car in Question: 2008 Red Ford Fusion
Spotted at: Zen Noodles & Sushi, 1852 W. North Avenue, Chicago, IL 60622
Odometer: 48,000


Q: What are some of your favorite features of this car?

A: I like the sync system in my car. It's amazing! It's by Microsoft. I can talk to my car through the speakers. My phone doesn't need to be charged or hooked up to anything. It will play my music from my phone. I can also watch YouTube videos, tell the car to call people, and other cool things. I've also grown to love the red and black leather interior in my car. At first it was a shock to me, but it finally grew on me. Now I love it.

Q: You seem happy with the Ford Fusion. When this one's gone the distance, what kind of car would you consider next?

A: I will probably pick another Ford. My dad works for Ford back in Michigan. I try to support the company. I will probably get another Fusion, but this time I would probably get the fuel efficient one. I would also look at the Ford Fiesta or the Ford Focus. They are smaller cars, so they will be better on gas mileage. Since I drive so much, that is very important to me.

Q: What about a fantasy, dream car?

A: This goes against my Ford allegiance, but my absolute dream car would probably be a BMW. I'll probably buy it after owning 10 Fords. That way I can say, "Look! See? I've been loyal, so I deserve to buy this BMW."

Q: Ah, and since your dad works for Ford, does your whole family buy Ford cars?

A: No, my sister actually just recently purchased a Mazda. That decision definitely caused quite a bit of controversy in the family. Everyone else tries to stick with Ford cars.

Q: Back to your driving, what's the furthest place you've driven to in this car?

A: The Metro Detroit area of Michigan is the furthest place I've driven to in this car. It generally takes me about four to five hours to get there from here.

Q: When you're closer to home during a typical week, how many hours do you spend in your car?

A: Seven to 10 hours. I'm trying to not drive as much because of gas, but I work out in DuPage County, so I have to drive out there. It would take too long if I took the Metra. I also work on the South Side, so I have to drive out there also.

Q: You must notice some pretty stark differences between parking on the South Side and the North Side?

A: Last year I lived in Lakeview, which is right by Wrigley Field. Parking sucked up there. While on the South Side, I would just park my car on the street or in a lot. I wouldn't have to worry about paying for parking or spending a lot of time searching for a spot. Now that I live in Humboldt Park, I'm sometimes a little leery to leave my car out on the street. One time someone folded over my license plate. Another time I left my moon roof up a little bit and someone took the parking ticket that was on my windshield, ripped it up, and threw it through the moon roof. Those are some of the pains of parking on the North Side.

Q: Finally, how would you describe your driving style?

A: I'm pretty aggressive when I'm driving. I'm also a little neurotic. I really can't stand when people drive slowly in the left lane on the freeway. I also don't like it when people keep their blinker on and don't switch lanes. I think I'm crazy and I get annoyed so easily while driving because I'm always running from place to place, so generally I'm short on time and patience.

Photos and interview by Nicolette Chambers

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