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Cutler: 'We Probably Have One Of The Worst Fields In The League'

It seems like as soon as the calender turns to December and the cold weather arrives, the turf at Soldier Field becomes a hot topic. The poor field conditions have turned into a home-field advantage, of sort, for the Bears. Teams come in and can't stay on their feet, while the Bears are able to maintain their footing and win games.

"The turf is what it is," Jay Cutler said during is Wednesday press conference. "With our speed we'd like to get something a little bit tighter. But we probably have one of the worst fields in the league at this point, we did last year as well."

And the poor field conditions go beyond last year, it seems with the constant use that the field gets for concerts, soccer games and high school football games, by the time December rolls around players just can't keep their footing.

"We have to deal with it," Cutler said. "And our guys know it, they're aware of how to cut and how to move on it. So we just have to go out there and play."

With snow expected over the weekend and temperatures in the upper teens by game-time, the field could get even worse for the Bears-Patriots game.

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