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Crisp And Sunny Christmas Ahead For Chicago

CHICAGO (CBS) -- Cooler temperatures have returned to the area after Chicago fell a couple degrees short of matching a record for December warmth yesterday, although conditions will remain a bit milder than normal for this time of year through next week.

Wednesday's high in Chicago was 59 degrees, two degrees shy of the Dec. 23 record of 61 set in 1981. Temperatures will be much cooler on Christmas Eve, with a high of around 44. Christmas should be nearly identical, with a high of 45.

There is a slight chance of a spotty shower Thursday evening, and that rain could change to light snow west of the city, but accumulations would be minimal. Other than, that Christmas Eve and Christmas should be nice and dry, with a high of about 45 and mostly sunny conditions on Christmas Day.

Chicago will get a little bit of rain on the weekend, with showers likely Saturday and Sunday.

Saturday's temperatures could reach 48 degrees, and Sunday's high will be about 42.

Monday could bring a mix of rain and snow, but temperatures should remain above average through the middle of next week.

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