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Cooper Likely Manages Last Game For White Sox

(CBS) Well, it was fun while it lasted.

White Sox interim manager and pitching Don Cooper managed what will likely be his last game at the helm of the White Sox on Wednesday.

"I gotta believe my managing tenure has come to an end here," Cooper said after the White Sox's final game of the 2011 season.

Cooper had been filling in for the recently-dismissed Ozzie Guillen.

He did not, however, rule out the possibility of managing in the future.

"Like I said the other day and today, I think I could do it," Cooper said. "I believe in my heart I can do it. I don't believe there's a baseball job that could be given to me that I couldn't take care of. That old thing about ex-catchers are the best managers, hey, pitching coaches have some brains, too. Sometimes they're not all there, but sometimes they are.

"If the opportunity presented itself, I'd welcome it and embrace it, just like I'd do with anything else."

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