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Cooler Saturday with late afternoon showers in Chicago

Cooler in Chicago with late afternoon showers
Cooler in Chicago with late afternoon showers 02:00

CHICAGO (CBS) — More seasonable temperatures through the weekend, and with that comes some showers. 

CBS News Chicago

The first of two cold fronts has already crossed our area, and you can feel the cool change. The second front will bring a reinforcing shot of cool air and gusty northwest winds for Sunday. 

We stay dry most of Saturday with clouds on the increase. Showers arrive later this afternoon, with some rumbles of thunder around sunset. 

CBS News Chicago

Sunday, windy conditions increase throughout the day. This will set up a favorable pattern for lake-effect rain showers in northwest Indiana Sunday night through Tuesday.

CBS News Chicago
CBS News Chicago

Nightly frost/freeze inland areas Monday night and Tuesday night.

What to expect for Saturday

Afternoon showers develop, breezy and cool. A high of 67.

Thunder chance by evening

Scattered showers with a low of 54.

Cooler on Sunday

Windy and cooler with a few showers. A high of 66.

Columbus Day forecast

Windy and wet with a high of 55. 

CBS News Chicago
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