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Cook County Administers 1,000 Shots At Mobile COVID-19 Vaccination Event In Morton Grove

CHICAGO (CBS) -- The Cook County Department of Public Health takes to the road again, offering mobile COVID-19 vaccinations.

On Saturday, County Board President Toni Preckwinkle led a group to the Muslim Community Center in Morton Grove.

She explained vaccination equity is a priority for the county, and there's more.

"Equity also means meeting people where they are. That's why we're here to provide vaccine directly to residents in the community at a location that's convenient to them," she said.

One thousand people were vaccinated at the Muslim Community Center on Saturday, one of the largest one-day mobile events to date.

Preckwinkle said there were two other milestones to celebrate this past week.

The county has now administered 500,000 doses of vaccine, and all residents 16 and older are now eligible for vaccinations.

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