Chicago Symphony Orchestra receives gift of $50 million
CHICAGO (CBS) -- A huge holiday gift for the Chicago Symphony Orchestra was announced Tuesday.
The Zell Family Foundation announced it is giving the orchestra association $50 million.
The gift is one of nearly 200 made to the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association's Sempre Always Capital Campaign chaired by Helen Zell—which has now raised $215 million.
It will help the symphony fund prestigious tours, as well as strengthen the organization's balance sheet.
Helen Zell has held several leadership roles with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra over the years—beginning as a member of the board of trustees in 2007, and as the first woman chair of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association Board for two terms between 2015 and 2020.
Ms. Zell also served as the chair of the CSOA Music Director Search Committee, which recommended Klaus Mäkelä as the new music director for the orchestra.
"As an avid supporter of the arts, I understand the importance of philanthropy in filling the gap between earned revenue and operating expenses," Ms. Zell said in a news release. "The generosity of donors will ensure the long-term sustainability of our great cultural institutions that add vitality and beauty to our lives and communities."
Ms. Zell is the widow of Chicago real estate magnate and former Chicago Tribune owner Sam Zell, who died last year. She remains on the CSO board of trustees.
"We are honored and deeply grateful to receive this extraordinary gift from Helen and Sam Zell on behalf of the Zell Family Foundation," CSOA President Jeff Alexander said in the release. "We celebrate their strong philanthropic vision that paved the way for a bright future for the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association and all the ensembles it supports and programs it delivers."