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Chicago Police Unveil Plan To Combat Summer Violence, Some Don't Think It Will Be Helpful

CHICAGO (CBS) -- Chicago Police Supt. David Brown on Thursday evening launched the city's plan to fight summer violence.

At least seven people were shot in five incidents Thursday night on the city's South and Southwest sides, and at least one person was also shot on the North Side.

CBS 2's Jermont Terry reported despite those new shootings, Brown insisted the department is gearing up to handle the violence that is already on the rise.

A special patrol of CPD officers left McCormick Place on Thursday. It was their first summer shift as they target the hot spots of crime across Chicago.

But some do not think it will be helpful.

"We don't need more police. More cops is just like, come on, that's just the something that every city does, and it always spills over to a bloodbath or even some tension - racial tension - with the dynamics of citizens and cops," said Asiaha Butler.

Butler has called Englewood home for 24 years. She, like so many, knows summer can bring a split spectrum.

"Unfortunately, some unfortunate spectrums and some peaceful things here too," Butler said.

Butler is troubled by how she claims Chicago Police handled Memorial Day weekend, when large crowds gathered and violence ensued.

"I was alarmed by the aggression of the police, and we're trying to get to some happy medium so we don't have so much tension," Butler said.

But Supt. Brown also emphasized that some welcomed police in Englewood on Memorial Day weekend.

"There were people applauding the officers in Englewood on their efforts throughout Memorial Day weekend, because there was significant gun crime happening in Englewood, and they were applauding that we made them safer," Brown said.

CBS 2 analyzed the Police Department's statistics, and they show murders are up 14 percent and shootings jumped 22 percent from year to year.

The new superintendent is rolling a familiar tactic, where officers in the Summer Operations Center, or SOC, will deploy when needed.

"One hundred every day, dedicated to summer deployments throughout the city," Brown said.

Butler replied: "I chuckle, because I've heard it so many times. That's not the way this works. We can't police ourselves out of these issues."

Brown said besides deployment, the officers will also work on getting to know those in the neighborhood through Community Service Day.

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