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Veteran whose 30-year-old car couldn't pass emissions test gets part he needed from Good Samaritan

Good Samaritan helps veteran get his car back on the road
Good Samaritan helps veteran get his car back on the road 02:45

CHICAGO (CBS) -- An Army veteran who is battling cancer was able to get his 30-year-old car fixed so it could pass an emissions test, after a Good Samaritan learned that he couldn't get the part he needed.

Robert Arthur Kersting, who is battling Stage 4 pancreatic cancer, first told CBS News Chicago about the plight with his car on Jan. 6. After his story aired, numerous viewers reached out to help him.

"I've got a car I love. It runs good. Just can't get this part," he said.

Kersting needed a new pump for his 1996 Chevrolet Monte Carlo Z34 after it failed its Illinois vehicle inspection emissions test, which is required to renew its registration.

After failing the test, Kersting went to a Chevy dealership and several auto parts stores, but couldn't get the part he needed. He sent a repair waiver application to the Illinois Air Team vehicle emissions testing program, and received two back-to-back emails.

"One says, 'We're reviewing it,' and a minute later, the email says, 'You've been denied.' It's almost like an auto-rejection, and I was like, 'Oh my god, I wish I could call them back,'" Kersting said.

A car has to fail an emissions test twice before a waiver can be applied for, but Kersting said he didn't know that before applying for a waiver.

After CBS News Chicago aired Kersting's story, there was an outpouring of people wanting to find the part he needed. A viewer, who wanted to remain anonymous, located the part and shipped it.

Goodyear Army Trail Tire & Service, where Kersting has gone in Carol Stream for nearly 40 years, agreed to install the new pump for free.

"It's pretty much paying it forward, and taking care of your fellow man, and with him being a veteran, it's amazing just to help him out, period," Johnny Sims said.

A few days after the installation, Kersting went in for a new emissions test and the car passed.

"I'm so happy for the Good Samaritan sending the part, happy for you caring about my problem, and I'm happy for Goodyear fixing the problem for nothing," he said.

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